10L Pre-commercial prototype construction

After the complete design of the prototype, MFC4Sludge partners have joined efforts in order to build the 10L pre-commercial protoype. Such prototype has been installed at GURAK facilities, more specifically, at Alduna in San Sebastian (Spain). There, at the wastewater treatment plant operated by GURAK, the prototype will be tested under real operational conditions. This will contribute to the technology upgrading, paving the way for market penetration.

A start-up phase follows the construction of the prototype and ...

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10L Pre-commercial prototype design

MFC4Sludge partners have been working hard together and have just produced the preliminary design of the 10 L MFC based prototype to be deployed at GURAK facilities as base for the demonstration activities. This novel pre-commercial prototype will encompass a anaerobic digester of around 250L and a 10L MFC. Results from previous WPs have been used for the design of each subunit and for the development of the control strategies. Next steps are the production of Process Flow ...

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