MFC4Sludge as part of WaterDiss activities

The partner of the MFC4Sludge project, LEITAT Technology Center, participated in the seminar “Energy efficiency of wastewater treatment plants: sources of savings” carried out in Gdansk (Poland) during 5-7th of November. The seminar was organized by the Gdańska Fundacja Wody in the framework of the EU-7th Framework Program project “WaterDiss 2.0. Dissemination and uptake of FP water research results” (EBV.2010.5.1.0-1, N 265167). The seminar was dedicated to energy efficiency of wastewater treatment plants. Eduard Borràs, in representation of ...

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Project Kick-off meeting in Prague

Project’s coordinator, ECOtrend, hosted the kick-off meeting in Prague. The meeting took place on 20th September 2013 and was the first official meeting involving all project partners. During the meeting the following issues were discussed:

– Project overview: structure and main aspects from the project were reviewed in order to refresh project main ideas.

– Brief introduction of project participants and their organisations.

– Administrative and financial issues: things like technical and financial reporting, IPR ...

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Project starts

After the signature of the Grant Agreement, the project MFC4sludge has started officially on 1st August 2013 and will last until 31st July 2015. This project is funded by the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme managed by REA – Research Executive Agency  (FP7/2007-2013) under Grant Agreement N.605893.

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